Abstract Submission Form

The call for abstracts for poster & oral presentations is now closed.


Abstracts should be structured, of less than 300 words and must include study hypothesis, type of study, materials and methods, results, a brief summary and up to five references. Abstracts may include up to two graphic attachments (i.e. tables, illustrations and pictures).

Fees for conference registration
Once your abstract is accepted, you are not required to pay the conference registration fee.
  1. Undergraduate students: 500.
  2. Postgraduate trainees & non- faculty : Rs. 2000 (concessional registration fee).
  3. Faculty/Consultants: Rs. 2500 (full registration fee, involves conference bag, lunch and gala dinner
Bank Details: THE BANK OF KHYBER UNIVERSITY ROAD (0002) PESHAWAR PAKISTAN Title of Account: AHC PVT LTD N.W SCHOOL OF MEDICINE Account Number: 13144001 IBAN Number:  PK05KHYB0002000013144001
Those who will register and attend the conference, will obtain accredited KMU CME hours

New Submission from “Northwest Annual Research Conference”

Name: [field id=”salutation”] [field id=”name”]

Email: [field id=”email”]

Presentation Type: [field id=”type”]

Research Team Contact Number: [field id=”teamcontactnumber”]

Presenting Author: [field id=”presentingauthor”]

Presenting Author Contact Number: [field id=”presentingauthorcontact”]

Co-Authors: [field id=”coauthors”]

Address: [field id=”address”]

Affiliation (Department & Institution): [field id=”affiliation”]

Field Of Specialty: [field id=”fieldofspecialty”]

Subtheme: [field id=”subtheme”]

Abstract Title: [field id=”abstracttitle”]

Objective/Hypothesis: [field id=”objective”]

Study Design: [field id=”studydesign”]

Graphic attachments (i.e. tables, illustrations and pictures): [field id=”attachment”]

Materials and Methods: [field id=”materialsandmethods”]

Results: [field id=”results”]

Conclusion/Recommendations: [field id=”conculsion”]

Keywords: [field id=”keywords”]

Additional Comments (if any): [field id=”additionalcomments”]

Disclosure: Has this paper been published elsewhere?: [field id=”disclosure”]


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